Tuesday, February 22

Come on, Janna, get it together.

I tried to think about Elvis, Memphis, the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. I tried to think about hair-dos, tattoos, sushi bars and saxophones...

On that note, here's my excuse. I hated my camera, had to wait to have money to get one, got one and now am ready to rock your crafternoon socks. I have about a million projects in mind and cannot wait to get started! Things are going to be a little slow for the next two weeks as I finish up an after-school program I am working with right now. But, my oh my, will the wait be worth it!

In the meantime, here are two few flavorite (yes, flavorite) sites I came across today.

Heartsy <3 : I am in love. Think Groupon for Etsy sites. Ahhmazing.

WhoopdWhoop : Super amazing craft trade site. Your money is no good here; just trade your items with other crafters for "whoops". Welcome back to the age of bartering!

Monday, February 7


We are ONE like on FB away from a giveaway! Tell your friends, mom, sister, cousin, great-aunt who isn't all the computer literate (heck, why not?!) I'm thinking a necklace or a shop credit this go around, or gosh, tell me what you'd like to win and I might get a wild hare and do that!


After two snow days, a school dance, lots of cooooold weather and many attempted projects, I'm back. Truly, it's just laziness that gets the better of me.

On Monday, before the freezing weather came, I spent the better portion of my afternoon making a pillow case and a table mat. We have a wooden remote holder than scratches the table if it isn't set on something; something that Ellie can drag the remote holder off the table with.

This one was a little more time consuming. I think the next time I attempt a pillowcase like this, I'll work through the petals differently. I don't really like the way the light pink ones turned out.

Is it bad that I have my tax return spent on fabrics and it isn't even in my bank account yet? There is this amazing Eric Carle fabric that I want to make a crib sheet out of. But at $15/yd, I can't justify it just yet. Eight days after February 14th though, why not?